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Driemel, I., Hein, J., Carioti, D., Wünsch, J., Tsakali, V., Alexiadou, A., Sauerland, U., & Guasti, M. T. (2022). An experimental study on kind and generic readings across languages: bare plural vs. definite plural. Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium, 353–359. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7533495 Download
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Yatsushiro, K., Dal Farra, C., Gonzalez, A., Hein, J., Silleresi, S., Avellana, A., Huang, Ai., Ilori, J. F., Krishnan, G. G., Pintér, L., Guasti, M. T., & Sauerland, U. (2022). Children’s Wh-questions across Languages: Some Preliminary Results. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. BUCLD 46, Boston. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7529367 Download
Bassi, I., Del Pinal, G., & Sauerland, U. (2021). Presuppositional Exhaustification. Semantics & Pragmatics, 14, 1–42. https://doi.org/10.3765/sp.14.11 Download
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