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This page links to current job announcements within the LeibnizDream project and its subgroups.

Research fellow position at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

We invite applications for a position as a research fellow with expected full-time employment (E 13 TV-L) at the Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities – Department of German Language and Linguistics at Humboldt University Berlin (HU).

Applications will be accepted until August 22, 2024.

Find the full job posting on the HU website.

Two research assistant positions at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

We invite applications for two positions as a research assistants (80h/month) at the Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities – Department of German Language and Linguistics at Humboldt University Berlin (HU). Tasks involve literature research and assistance with corpus work and experiments.

Applications will be accepted until September 11, 2024.

The full job posting can be downloaded as a PDF below:

Call for applications to the PhD program at the University of Milano-Bicocca

We invite applications for two PhD positions with expertise in psychology, linguistics, and cognitive neurosciences at the University of Milano-Bicocca (UniMiB).

Both scholarships are funded by the European Research Council Synergy project Leibnizdream (Principal Investigator: Prof. Maria Teresa Guasti). The projects will be dealing with experimental linguistics within the generative framework. Possible topics (not exhaustive list) are: expression of causality and agency, verbs of movement, connectives (and, or, if then), quantifiers (all, none, some), the expression of negation, antonyms, comparison, gradable adjectives, syntactic dependencies (questions, relative clauses and logophoricity). Oral or sign languages, preferably with a cross-linguistic dimension, will be considered. Doctoral education will provide competence in statistics and experimental methods, among other things. The PhD students will be part of the larger research team, based at UniMiB, Humboldt University (HU), Berlin and Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), Berlin.

The selection for admission to the 39th cycle doctoral programs is divided into two separate sessions.

  • Session I: open from March 21, 2023 to April 19, 2023 at 12:00 noon;
  • Session II: open from June 30, 2023 to July 24, 2023 at 12:00 noon.

Link to the UniMiB’s calls for application site.

Link to the announcement of two PhD positions within the ERC-project LeibnizDream.

The project aims for cultural diversity and gender balance of its staff. The project furthermore seeks to implement the principles of Open Science.

Six-months research fellowships for Ukrainian refugees 

We invite applications for Ukrainian researchers ideally holding a Ph.D. in linguistics or substantial work experience as research lab staff in language acquisition to support guest residencies with a duration of up to six calendar months (i.e. first to last of a month) working in the Semantics and Pragmatics group (research area 4) at the Leibniz-Center General Linguistics (ZAS).

Fellowship description and application requirements on LinguistList.

Funding for long term visits

Funding bodies for LeibnizDream can be:

Always contact us first to determine whether we can accommodate your planned visit.